There seems to be a theme floating around Blog Land. Lots of bloggers are looking back at their posts from 2010 and selecting some for a year review. Not wanting to be left out, I thought I'd share mine as well - a post from each month. (If you want to read the post, just click on the name of the month) January - I finally found a paint color I love for my downstairs bathroom. Hurray!! February - My cabin fever resulted in my first upcycled purse which started my inventory for an Etsy shop. Since then, I've moved on to aprons and pins with more fun things to come. March - ļ»æ I added aprons to the Etsy shop. This mother/daughter set is still one of my favorites. April - I had a lot of fun with a "trash to treasure" project. April #2 - Well, I couldn't pick just one project for April because fixing up my laundry room was a big deal. May - Repurposing the bottom of an old hutch was a nice addition to my back porch. June -...
Bringing order to your nest.