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The Finished Kitchen Remodel

Yes, we survived the kitchen remodel and I'm back to blogging again - I hope.  The kitchen has been done for about 6 weeks now but between my camera breaking and some glitches with loading photos into blogger, I've been an absentee blogger.  A big thanks to those of you who were concerned about me and checked in on me.  

So. . . do you want a tour of the new space?

A few months ago, my kitchen looked like this. . .

And this. . .

And this. . .

And there was a window looking down from our upstairs bedroom. . .

Then we decided to remodel and went through this for awhile. . .

And some of this. . . 

The room was finally starting to take shape.  

And then we had this!!

I wasn't sure what I was going to do about the island.  I really liked the functionality of the piece, but it was too busy and too white.  My new cabinets are a vanilla color and the white island was just stark.  

I'm very happy with the beams now that I've adjusted to them being different than the picture in my head.  It pays to listen to the pros.  The board and batten walls are wonderful - no more popcorn ceiling/walls in my kitchen.  Also notice that there is no longer a window looking down from my bedroom into the kitchen.  It's closed up on both sides.

 After much thought, primer, and paint I'm happy with my decision to keep the island but make it fit the kitchen.  I removed the fold out counter and all of the extra hooks and towel holders attached to the island.  I patched the holes and primed everything with an oil based primer/stain block.  Then I painted it with 3 coats of my favorite black paint and added matching hardware.  I also sanded down the counter top and stained it darker.  I'm on the look out for an old table top that I can replace it with, but for now it works fine with a beeswax finish.  

I'm very happy with the end result.  All of my dishes fit into my kitchen!!

The built in hutch is what you see when you first walk into our home from the foyer.  I wanted it to be a welcoming site.

I really like the punch of color that my favorite green stool adds.  

I have a vintage door in the garage that I am refinishing to replace the hollow core door leading to the utility room.  Speaking of utility rooms, it needs a remodel.  Yes, you know how it is, one remodeled room instantly makes the rest of the house look bad and leads to more remodeling.  It took us 7 1/2 years to get to the kitchen. . . I wonder how long it will take us to get to the utility room.

  Shhh. . . I have a plan. . . don't tell Hubs!


  1. Oh my goodness....your kitchen is beautiful!!! Well worth the wait....although I am so glad that you are back! You did a fabulous job and I can't wait to start on our own remodel but it may be a while...sigh. Thank goodness I can always come look at yours....:) Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love it! It's so warm and homey. I love the new look of the island - I so wish I could accomplish something like that. It is an amazing transformation!!

    Did you find yourself turning the wrong way to head to the stove for a while? ;-)

    Just beautiful!

  3. This is wonderful, the beams are just perfect and I love the island. You guys need to be very proud, now go in there an fix something luscious fitting for your new kitchen. Kathy

  4. Just beautiful! I love the cabinets and the beams (and wood floor)! Thanks for sharing!


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