I love an organized pantry. You can find what you need very quickly. And let's face it, when you're cooking, you don't want to spend all of your time looking for ingredients. To neaten a disorganized cabinet just follow these steps:
1. Bring in some boxes or laundry baskets. Choose one bin/basket for each category of food.
2. Empty everything out of the cabinet, sorting into the categories as you go.
3. Vacuum and clean the shelves. You can line them with contact paper or liner if you want to.
4. Place like items together. Some of the categories I use are: veggies, beans, baking, meats, soup, cereal, paper, extra supplies. It's important to put the most used items in the front and at eye level. Also, face the packages so you can read the label. (These are a few tips I learned from my friend,Chris, a grocery store manager)
5. Label the shelves with the category name to help others in your family locate (and replace) items.
6. You can add shelving dividers and racks to the cabinet. I've found a good variety at Walmart and Target.
I know you'll feel better when your cabinets are looking good.
Ready. . . Set. . . Go!
Hey I bet I know Chris!!! That's cool - he got a kick out of it when I read this to him!