Homemade Play dough
2 cups plain flour
1 cup salt
4 tsp. cream of tartar (found in the spice isle)
1 cup water
2 Tbl. oil (any kind of cooking oil)
red food coloring (the more you add the darker it will be)
1 tsp. mint extract
Mix all ingredients together in a large glass bowl. Cook for 2 minutes on high. Stir. Cook 1 minute. Stir. Cook 1 minute . Repeat until your finger pressed down into the dough comes out dry (about 5 minutes total). No play dough should stick to your skin. Beware, though, because it is hot! If you double the recipe you'll cook it for about 10 minutes total, stirring between every minute of cooking. After it is cool, knead it until smooth. Store in a plastic container or a Ziploc bag. It does not need to stay in the fridge.
You're final product should look like the picture below. The bowl looks really messy but it cleans up quickly.
To make Pumpkin Pie Play dough for the fall, substitute orange food coloring for the red and ground cinnamon for the extract.
You can cook this on the stove top if you don't have a microwave. Add all the ingredients together and cook in a pan on the stove until the dough "comes together" and forms a ball.
That is a cool idea. Anyway, I wanted to answer your question about the stands holding my blue & white spheres. They are actually meant to hold glass candle votives, but they are the perfect size for these spheres. I bought them years ago, I think at Pier One.