My daily planner is being put to good use. Being stuck in the house has made me a little stir crazy and my creative juices are going bonkers. I'm making lists of all of the things I want to do around my house this next year.
My daughter is getting married in our yard in October and I am eager to get the house projects done before then. My biggest project, remodeling the kitchen, won't be happening for a few more years so I'll just have to settle for what I can afford to do right now.
This week, as I was cleaning the house, I kept a notepad and pencil with me. As I came across different areas of my home that needed some help, I wrote it down. Then, I divided up the projects and WROTE them in my planner. Writing them down makes them a little more serious. Here are some of the tasks I wrote down:
Family Room
1. Make new pillows for window seat.
2. Organize CD's and videos.
3. Paint back surface of wall unit a lighter color.
4. Find side table for reading chair.
1. Rearrange space above cabinets.
2. Paint island and refinish top.
3. Put finish on brick floor.
4. Organize recipe binder (again).
Upstairs Bathroom
1. Paint walls.
2. Buy new soap dispenser.
3. Organize sink cabinet.
4. Re frame artwork.
I've already made new pillows for the window seat and I found an adorable table to go next to my reading chair. It feels great to check off my list and I know I'm making progress in my home. As soon as the weather starts to warm up, I'll walk around the yard and make a scheduled list for what to do outside.
I know myself well enough to know that if I don't write it down - it won't get done. What kind of projects can you write down and start to tackle?
Here's one of my favorite quotes:
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of
getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks
into small manageable tasks and then starting on the first one." Mark Twain
copyright 2009
Thrifty Decor Chick
Writing it the only way to go:) I can't wait to hear all about the outdoor wedding oldest daughter will be getting married Spring or Summer 2011...maybe we can share ideas!