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Three things I know

I interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to inform you of three things I know.  Well, I know a lot of other things but these three things are super important for me right now. 

But first, a little history:

If you'll remember several months ago I let you know that I have an inherited kidney disease called Polycystic Kidney Disease.  It is causing my kidneys to decrease in function.  My last blood work said my kidney function was at 17% and my doctor told me that if August's blood work didn't show an improvement in function (to 20%) then I would be referred to the transplant team at the local hospital.

For the past month I've been praying, my church has been praying, and many of you have been praying (thank you).  About 2 weeks ago, while doing my devotions, the Lord impressed on me the question, "Do you think Jesus is powerful enough to heal you?".  Well, being the good Christian girl that I am I answered, "Well, of course He can.  He is the creator and sustainer of life".  Then the convicting words came back "Well, then act like it".  Gulp!   I was convicted.  You see, I had never really asked Christ to heal me.  I had asked for grace and peace to handle the disease.  I had asked for a cheerful heart as I dealt with the side effects.  I had even prayed for the doctors and nurses to see Christ in me as they cared for me, but I'd  never asked for healing.  So right then and there, I prayed for healing in Jesus' name.  And then I started to act like it.  I acted as if I was healed.. I thanked Christ for healing me. I announced to my Sunday School class that I believed I would be healed.  They agreed with me in prayer.  This past Wednesday, I had my blood work done.

Well, I got the results back today and my function is still at 17%.  So I'm being referred to the transplant team and they'll tell me what to do next.  I stood in my kitchen and said to God, "So, what do I do with this information?  I acted in faith.  Is this how it ends?  What happens now?".

 I called my Hubs and told him the news and then I went about my daily work.  Laundry, baking, sewing.  Mundane tasks.  At my sewing machine, God began to work in my heart.  He quietly reminded me that he was at work.  He reminded me of the three things I know:

1.  Even though my kidney function is very low (I really should be on dialysis right now) I feel better than I have in months.  In fact, Wednesday, I scrubbed all of my floors and baseboards in the whole house and put a finish on most of the floors. 

2.  Even after hearing the news I've been dreading to hear (dreading for 4 years now) I had a unique peace in my heart.  Sure, I'm confused and unsure of the future, but I've handled much smaller things with much less peace.

3.  He's not finished yet.  God is still at work and His timing is perfect.  Also, I know He is working all things out for good.  I trust Him in this.  It's His plan, His timing, His will. 

I don't know what my future holds - but I know who holds the future.


  1. I believe that you are totally healed girl. I believe it with all my heart.

  2. I think sometimes we are so busy accepting God's will for our lives that we forget that it may not be His will!

    I'm praying for you and excitedly awaiting the news that God has completed your healing!

  3. I am glad you are feeling better both emotionally and physically. I love your attitude, too! Positive Thinking can be a very healing thing! Keep up the good work! No one really knows what's around the corner, many things could happen at any time, to all of us.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Our God is able... your future is sure... my prayers are with you. Be well!

  5. This is such a faith filled post. Thank you for sharing your faith and hope with us. You are inspiring!

  6. Jeremiah 29:11-13
    11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

    This is one of my favorite verses. I've made cards and put them here and there as a reminder.

    God is the Great Physician, keep the faith.


  7. God is never done with us! Whatever comes, be certain that there is a plan! And He will work it out perfectly!

    You are doing such a good job, keep having faith that He will do even better!

    All my love and prayers to you and your family!


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