So, you've carefully cut out 2 eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Your jack-o-lantern is looking pretty cute - that is until the next day when it starts to rot onto your front steps. I always hate to throw out a perfectly good pumpkin - even if it's just into the compost pile. Several years back I came up with a solution. As you can see, my little preschool class is pretty good at making jack-o-lanterns. After we carved our little snaggle-toothed friend, I toted him home to cook him and eat him (Ewww...) First, I cut it in half. Then, I cut each half into even portions. If you make your jack-o-lantern to hold a candle, you'll have already scooped out the goop and seeds. If any goop is left after cutting it open just scrape across the surface with a knife and it will come clean. Hang onto your seeds. I'll explain how to roast them later. Place all of your pieces onto baking sheets with sides. This is very important because as the pum...
Bringing order to your nest.