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The Tidy Brown Wren Is Back - And She's Bionic

I feel like a new woman, and in a very real sense, I am.

Last Monday, April 11th, I had a living donor kidney transplant.

My donor and I arrived at The Medical College of Virginia, in Richmond, VA at 5:30 AM for an appointment that would change both of our lives forever.

This hospital is a 2 hour drive from our home.  We left Hampton Roads after dinner and stayed overnight at a Hotel to be closer to the hospital.  My donor, Cathy, delayed the trip as she was walking in the National Kidney Foundation "Kidney Walk" on Sunday to raise money for that foundation.   (She's amazing).

Here is a picture of Cathy visiting me in my hospital room 48 hours after the transplant (they wouldn't let us room together - bummer).  She had to trek down the hallway, dragging her IV pole with her.  Her Hubs calls this photo "the kidney reunion".  LOL

Alert:  This is the ONLY time you will ever see me without makeup on.  You must burn this blog post after viewing it.  Promise?

Words cannot express how emotional I feel about this whole adventure.   I can already feel the energy surging back into my weakened body and I look forward to brighter days ahead. 

I'm so very thankful for God's amazing grace, a friend's unselfish gift, the prayers of friends, family, and people I didn't even know, and the talents of some very amazing medical staff. 

Right now my days are spent working on recovering.  My body must heal.  My schedule must adapt to a new routine of drugs and checking vital signs regularly.  My mind must wrap around the hugeness of it all. 

I hope you'll continue to follow my humble little blog and check out what a bionic Tidy Brown Wren can do!

My daughter, Ashley, wrote a very sweet blog post last week that I'd love for you all to check out.  She remembered to bring her camera  to the hospital and got some good pictures of us. 


  1. YEAH!!! We are rejoicing with you! We know that God has mighty plans for you (and that kidney!). It is an honor to be alongside you watching Him work!

    Sheri O.

  2. God is good! I'm so glad you and Cathy are doing well!

  3. Praise be to our amazing God for this joyous report! You both look wonderful, and while I'd love to burn the blog post for you, I need to visit it over and over, thanking our Lord for His goodness. Many prayers each day are heading your way!!!

  4. You are so amazing....and so is our GOD. You look wonderful. Please let us know if you need anything at all. :) Janet

  5. Wishing you both a speedy recovery. So happy that things went well and that you are already feeling renewed energy and hope.

    Such a sweet post from your daughter - a beautiful tribute.

    (As a side note -- when I went down to type in the "word verification" the word was "blest." Appropriate to say the least!)

  6. I'm so glad all went well. I'll continue to pray for healing and recovery.

  7. I'm so glad to hear that everything went WELL! Enjoy the new energy!


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