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More Uses For Coconut Oil

One of the ways I'm eating healthier is choosing healthy fats.  Remember, good fats are not the enemy of our bodies - bad fats are.  We actually need to have healthy fats to orchestrate the absorption of vitamins and minerals.  Good fats are the vehicles that the vitamins and minerals ride around in (yes, I'm a visual person). 

Besides Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and Organic Butter, I also use Organic Coconut Oil.  The more I use it the more I discover it's benefits. 

In recent weeks, I've been depending on my Virgin organic coconut oil a lot.  Due to the immuno-suppressants I must  take after my kidney transplant, my body is experiencing some unpleasant side effects.  The coconut oil has been a life saver, helping to counteract  those side-effects and helping my body recover. 

My skin and hair were getting dry and brittle.  I've been rubbing the coconut oil on my skin twice a day and on my hair once a day.  A little goes a long way and I make sure to rub it in thoroughly so I don't look like a greased pig. My skin is staying hydrated longer than when I just used an expensive cream.   My large surgical  incision is healing very nicely with the coconut oil keeping the skin supple as it grows back together. 

Some of the medications I am taking to prevent organ rejection cause my skin to become red and inflamed on my face and neck.  In fact, every morning I resemble someone with hives.  After washing my face with warm water and a soft washcloth, I gently rub the coconut oil onto my face and wait for it to work.  Within 1/2 hour, my face has calmed down and I can use my mineral make-up with no problems. 

My doctors are giving me IV infusions every 2 weeks to prevent me from getting a common virus called Cytomeglovirus that affects transplant patients in a bad way.  Well, guess what Coconut oil fights against?  Yup, CMV (cytomeglovirus).  Cool, huh?

My blood work shows that I'm a bit low on magnesium.  Instead of taking a magnesium supplement, which can cause diarrhea, I've opted to eat foods higher in magnesium until the levels rise.  The Coconut Oil, I believe, is helping get the magnesium from the food to where it needs to go in my body (remember the visual above?).

I found out from one of the nurses at the transplant clinic that I'm one of the only patients they have who doesn't take a blood pressure medication.  I believe the lauric acid in the oil is helping me maintain a normal blood pressure as I had normal blood pressure before the transplant but the immuno-suppressants tend to cause the BP to rise.

I'm not the only one benefiting from this tropical oil's goodness.  Hubs got a tick bite that was starting to swell and get red.  I pulled out the coconut oil and after 2 applications, the swelling and redness was gone and the tick bite is healing nicely.  We, of course, are watching it carefully for signs of Lyme disease, but all looks good.  Yesterday, Hubs developed some eczema redness after working outside in the heat and humidity and after a shower and coconut oil, his skin was back to normal.  I'm tellin' ya - it's good stuff.

In my quest to live a more healthy lifestyle, I've also discovered that I can also live a more simple and frugal life as well.  Simple, because I can use this one item for several different uses.  Frugal, because this single item generally costs less than the total of  multiple items purchased for different uses.

If you've started using Coconut Oil, please leave a comment and let us know how you've been benefiting.  If you've had a bad experience, let us know about that too.

If you're interested in learning more about Coconut Oil, here's a place to start.

Note:  I have no training in the medical field.  I have made a personal decision to use Coconut oil in my diet and I'm excited to share my experience with you.  Please research this topic for yourself and seek medical counsel before trying it yourself.


  1. I have noticed that my eczema has not broken out since I started using the coconut oil. I have been putting it in my oatmeal daily too. I am a dietitian and have been telling my friends about using coconut oil.

  2. I LOVE coconut oil and thought it was my secret! I try to eat one or two tablespoons a day and it's helped everything from my skin and hair to my digestion. I also have topical allergies and use it to calm things down with that. Glad it's been helping you too!

  3. Cathy and Ramona,
    So glad you've had good results with the coconut oil. Thanks for sharing your stories.

  4. Where does one buy cocnut oil? Is it actually a solid, like the photo or is it a liquid?
    Thanks for the info!!

  5. Hi Ellen,
    You can buy coconut oil at health food stores but I order mine from They have the organic virgin oil that I prefer. If you get on their mailing list they will sent you coupons and B1G1 deals. The oil is a solid until the temperature rises above 76 degrees where it becomes a liquid. When I use it as a lotion, I simply rub some between my hands and it softens right up so I can rub it on my skin. Let me know if you have any more questions.

  6. I STILL haven't gotten any of this stuff and I need to! I'm gonna go sign up for their newsletter right now!

    It's awesome how much natural foods are helping you recover! I want to take the plunge pretty badly and am working on my finances so I can - I really think it would help my 5yo with his bowel problems.

    So, what happens if it's super hot and muggy? Do you need to shove the coconut oil in a basement or something to keep it from liquefying? Because I can totally see me having a problem with that here in the summer...we don't have a.c.

  7. Hi Alexia,
    The oil is a liquid during the warmer months, but it's easy to spoon out or even measure out with a medicine dropper (to put into oatmeal). I keep a jar in the bathroom for my skin care and I just dip my my fingers into the oil, rub my hands together, and apply it. Remember, a little goes a long way.

  8. I had a minor eczema before. Then, my mom bought a coconut oil from and gave it to me. After a week of applying this, my skin got smoother and until now, I haven't seen any sign of dryness on my skin since I sill continue to use coconut oil. It's really fantastic! I love coconut oil.

  9. Two of my nieces were struggling with poor complexions and breakouts. They both were trying various different (often costly) products, when I suggested coconut oil to them. They both tried it and could not believe the positive transformation, not to mention the huge price difference! They look so pretty and fresh faced; their true beauty shining through.

    1. I'm so glad it's working for them. It's amazing how something so simple can work so well.


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