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Tuesday's tip: dryer ball alternative

This is what I'm trying out today. 

 I usually experiment with something before I tell you about it, but this was just too interesting to keep to myself.  You know that I am always trying to find ways to save money around the house.  I told you here and here how I dry my clothes.  Well, now I've read about how to make a dryer ball out of aluminum foil.  Interesting, no?

My purchased dryer balls have served me for the past 9 months, but they are starting to look worse for the wear.

Anyone want to give it a try with me?  I just waded up some aluminum foil (recycled is great).  I'm going to try a load fresh from the washer and also my usual line dried load that I like to fluff and tumble in the dryer for a few minutes.  I'll let you know how mine turned out and you can do the same.


  1. I used my old dryer balls to make a decorative twine ball. Just an idea! :)

  2. A natural solution is to add 1/2 cup baking soda to the wash cycle, or to add 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle. If using vinegar, the vinegar smell disappears when the clothes are dry.

    I never used dryer sheets because we all have such sensitive skin, and I either make my own detergent or buy an all natural detergent that's scent-free.

    I usually hang my clothes out to dry, but with the rains we've had over the last couple of days, my laundry is beginning to pile up!

  3. I have used vinegar as a fabric softner before, but I always seem to miss the rinse cycle. I love making my own laundry detergent and have been very pleased with the results. For stubborn stains and/or whites, I let the load soak for several hours and then wash in the usual cycle. I haven't used bleach in years and I don't really miss it.

  4. I tried the aluminum foil a few days ago and it did not work for me in fact it felt like it was worse. I tried it with my synthetic running gear and a natural synthetic mix. The reason I wanted to try is 1 to save the environment 2 to save some cash 3 i heard it dryer sheet hold the smell in workout cloths.


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