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Tower of Trays

I hope your family enjoyed a Happy Father's Day.  We were able to have a nice dinner with many family members.  It's always a blessing to have several generations under one roof at the same time.  Even if some of the members are only visible through Skype.

Since the dads in our family prefer things to be more casual, we decided to have pork BBQ, coleslaw, watermelon, and rainbow sherbet.  It sure made things easy for me.  I didn't even have to set the table.  I simply placed plates, napkins, and utensils on our wooden trays and stacked them at one end of the buffet table. 

I bought these trays from Michaels several years ago.  They are frequently on sale 2/$5.00.  I stained them with a poly stain and now store them in my laundry room for easy access. 

This system works well for us when we have a large group.  This lets our guests take their meal out on the front screened porch or out on the back deck.  On Sunday, with the heat index measuring 110 degrees, we all stayed inside and enjoyed the air conditioning. 


  1. This is a good idea! I like that you stained the trays to protect them.

  2. Sounds like a yummy dinner! I'm glad we were able to "visit". Isn't technology amazing. :)

  3. What a great idea! I like the way you think.

  4. That is a really cool idea! Our family is FAST outgrowing the houses we own and having trays for get-togethers would be perfect!


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